Thursday, November 15, 2007

Iraq Bound ~ 1 day to go!

What does a girl going to Iraq need to pack? Well, the list is long and the bag is small. I have always been one who over-packs. You know, better to be safe than sorry. But this time, for this trip, I think I will try to uncover some hidden packing skills. Mostly because I have been told that there is a lot of walking to do and no one to help carry a girl's bags. I'm not really concerned with that though....remind me to show you my biceps one day. :)

So what are the necessities? I am told baby wipes, baby wipes, baby wipes! Jeans, boots, Cat Country 98.7 shirts, my awesome Kevlar helmet, Flak jacket, and thousands of letters written to the troops from members of this wonderful community!!

I have no idea what to expect when I get there, but I certainly have a mission. I want to tell the stories of the troops....not the war. There are men and women serving overseas who are form right here in Pensacola or were trained here. That is who I want to talk to. Get their stories about what it's really like to be there not only as a service member...but as a person. Who did they leave behind? what does this war mean to them? You get the idea. I also want to brighten the troop's Thanksgiving by bringing them a little piece of the U.S.....the letters. I can't tell you how amazing it is to see the letters POURING in after only a few days notice. If you think writing one letter to a stranger who is serving our country won't make a difference...try it. I guarantee you will be surprised when you hear how much it means to them.

Although I will be a world away for the next several days, you can keep up with what I am doing daily. I will be blogging everyday as well as reporting to Cat Country 98.7, NewsRadio1620, The Pensacola News Journal, and WEAR Channel 3 ABC, and Fox National News Radio.

You can email me at as well.

I can't thank you enough for all the support and well wishes. I look forward to sharing this journey with you.


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